A Venetian report in 1617-18 describes him as man of pale skin colour who had a lean body, a black beard and who dressed in "French style" ( alla francese). Following these events, Renesi would regularly inform the Venetians of his future activities, which he probably did in the hope that they would lift the ban pending on him. Renesi served the Venetian Republic as a stradiot until 1607, when he was banished from the Venetian Republic for murder in a blood feud. His father and his brother were both military commanders of the Venetian Republic. His family had produced many military captains, administrators and governors in the Stato da Màr. They had settled in Zara as refugees after the Ottoman conquest of Albania and joined the stradioti regiments of Venice like many other Albanian refugees in Dalmatia. He came from an Albanian Catholic family, which belonged to the Renesi fis of Lezha in northern Albania. Giovanni Renesi was born around 1567 in the town of Zara (modern Zadar).